Education & Training

AccelNet-MultiNet will develop educational and training tools to advance international collaborations and knowledge exchange. Our MultiNet AccelNet Fellowship program will be the focus for these activities.

Fellows will be graduate students and postdoctoral scholars associated with the six partner institutions, where they will conduct research in multilayer network science, and engage in a series of highly collaborative, interactive activities.

  • Semester-long immersive US-Europe research exchange between the six partner institutions. Fellows will serve as bridges between labs and centers with 2 mentors, from both their home and host institutions. Co-mentorship roles will both strengthen relations between faculty, and provide a highly integrative collaborative experience for the students as they work on joint research projects.
  • Webinar Series will feature live-streamed presentations from senior scientists and MulitNet Fellows. Fellows from the 6 hub sites will organize and moderate monthly talks, as well as lead discussions and provide supporting materials for the technical content. The monthly seminar series will be available and archived.
  • “Collabathons” are 3-day events where groups of 5-10 scholars are guided to employ collective, problem-solving strategies to resolve complex, data-rich problems. Fellows will produce jointly authored papers across the 6 partner institutions.

  • International Communication Competency (IComm) Training will focus on interpersonal and technical strategies to address the unique challenges of multi-team, cross-cultural, cross-national collaborations. The IComm training toolkit will build on existing curricula for interdisciplinary scholarship, extending practices and competancies to inter-cultural exchanges.

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