Advancing scientific discovery of multilayer network science

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The AccelNet-MultiNet program was launched as an NSF-supported, joint effort led by the Network Science Institutes of Northeastern University (NetSI) and Indiana University (IUNI) to expand the international community of scientific discovery and training focused around the exploration of multilayer network science.

NetSI and IUNI have partnered with 4 key institutions: ISI Foundation, Central European University, UB Institute of Complex Systems, and the Center for Theoretical Physics, to build a joint US-Europe Fellowship program for young scholars and establish collaborative efforts to build consensus on the priorities and direction of the field.

Network Science Leadership

NetSI and IUNI have become two of the major pillars of network science research and education in the US. AccelNet-MultiNet represents our first formal institutional partnership. Bridging our resources will provide a strong foundation from, and enable us to cultivate a more cohesive and collaborative international community of network science exploration.

International Partnerships

Our European partners represent leading world experts at the frontier of multilevel network science, each specializing in cutting edge methodologies and approaches. AccelNet-MultiNet aims to build sustainable tools that will facilitate scholarly discourse and learning to enhance meaningful collaborations.

Developing young scholars

Central to our mission is to overcome barriers for knowledge exchange across nations by creating new kinds of collaboration opportunities. Our MultiNet Fellowship program will empower young scholars through a series of immersive, highly interactive research activities, while also providing cross-cultural communication and leadership training.


Alessandro Vespignani

PI, Scientific Lead

Northeastern University

Boston, MA, USA

Kate Coronges

Co-I, Project Lead

Northeastern University

Boston, MA, USA

Santo Fortunato

PI, Scientific Lead

Indiana University

Bloomington, IN, USA

Ann McCranie

Co-I, Project Lead

Indiana University

Bloomington, IN, USA

Tara Holbrook

Program Manager

Indiana University

Bloomington, IN, USA

Albert Diaz-Guilera

European Hub Leader

Universitat de Barcelona

Barcelona, Spain

Yamir Moreno

European Hub Leader

CENTAI Institute/University of Zaragoza

Turin, Italy

János Kertész

European Hub Leader

Central European University

Budapest, Hungary

Alain Barrat

European Hub Leader

Centre de Physique Théorique

Marseille, France

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