

Jan Bachmann

PhD Student

I am a PhD candidate working in the Network Inequality group at the Complexity Science Hub in Vienna. I am also affiliated to the Department of Network and Data Science at Central European University. In my research, I investigate how inequalities can manifest in and emerge from social networks through biased social preferences. In much of my work, I apply this to the context of gender inequalities in academia to understand the role of social networks in women’s long-lasting underrepresentation.

Laia Barjuan i Ballabriga

PhD Student

I am a PhD student at the Institute of Complex Systems of the University of Barcelona (UBICS). I hold a BSc in fundamental physics from the University of Barcelona and an MSc in computational modeling through a collaborative program between the University of Barcelona and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. My research is focused on network neuroscience, with a particular emphasis on the characterization of structural connectomes across various scales. By using tools from network theory and network geometry, I seek to better understand the fundamental principles of brain connectivity and explore how the architecture of the brain influences its function.

Eline Bouwmeesters

I am a MSc student in Industrial and Applied Mathematics at Eindhoven University of Technology. My interests are in algorithms, stochastics and financial mathematics, although I continue to discover new and fascinating topics. During my Master’s degree, I have done an internship at the Network Science Institute, investigating the performance of different network reconstruction methods. Starting in March 2024, I will be an AccelNet-MultiNet Fellow in the And Lab, studying generative models of networks with a given motif-degree structure.

Yijing Chen

PhD Student

I am a PhD candidate in the Department of Network and Data Science at Central European University. My research centers around political polarization and online political communication, and my current projects explore the disparity of polarization measurements between online and offline contexts. I’m interested in developing novel network models and computational tools to understand political behaviors on social media.

Lorenzo Cirigliano

PhD Student

I'm Lorenzo Cirigliano, a PhD student in Physics at Sapienza University of Rome. My current research focuses on percolation, random graphs, and network optimization. I graduated in Theoretical Physics from Sapienza, specializing in statistical physics, mathematical physics, and computational physics, before starting my doctoral studies under the supervision of Claudio Castellano (CNR-ISC). I'm also affiliated with the Centro Ricerche Enrico Fermi (CREF) as part of their research staff. My work combines tools from complex systems, statistical physics, and applied mathematics with numerical simulations.

Govind Gandhi

PhD Student

I'm a PhD student in the Complex Networks and Systems group (CNetS) at Indiana University Bloomington. The goal of my work is to bridge network science and machine learning, I'm currently exploring graph embeddings and their use in community detection. During my research visit to the University of Barcelona, I am interested in exploring the connection between graph embeddings and network geometry. Before joining IU, I completed my BS-MS in Physics from the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune from 2017-2022.

Miguel A. González-Casado

PhD Student

Miguel is a Ph.D. candidate at Carlos III University in Madrid, and member of the Cross-Disciplinary Complex Systems Group (GISC). His research focuses on the assessment of the structure and dynamics of personal relationship networks. He develops data-informed mathematical models trying to gain insight into the defining characteristics of our fundamental social structure, as well as to unveil the underlying mechanisms that contribute to its formation and temporal evolution.

Andrea Guizzo

Post-doctoral Scholar

I am an interdisciplinary physicist specializing in human mobility modeling, transportation, and human behavior. I earned my Bachelor's degree in Physics from Padua University in December 2014. Following that, I pursued my Master's degree in Physics at Padua University, focusing on Biophysics and conducting numerical analysis of proteins with flexible defects, completing my thesis in October 2017. After obtaining my Master's degree, I worked as a junior software developer for two years, from 2018 to 2019. In November 2019, I commenced my Ph.D. at Parma University under the guidance of Prof. Raffaella Burioni. My thesis, titled "Network reconstruction and prediction of mobility and interaction patterns in social environments: the Parma University Campus as a case study," delved into predictive modeling of social mobility and interaction patterns. In January 2022, I undertook a six-month internship in the Mobility group at Sony CSL research group in Rome, under the supervision of Prof. Vittorio Loreto and Dr. Bernardo Monechi. This experience provided valuable insights into cutting-edge research in human mobility studies. Following my internship, in February 2023, I began a three-year postdoctoral position in the CHuB group at FBK, led by Riccardo Gallotti. In this role, I continue to explore my research interests in mobility models and human behavior, contributing to advancements in the field of transportation research.

Robert Jankowski

PhD Student

I am a PhD student at the University of Barcelona affiliated with UBICS (Universitat de Barcelona Institute of Complex Systems). My research is focused on the emerging field of Network Geometry, particularly on the development of model-based mapping tools for embedding real networks in their underlying geometric space. These multidimensional maps are crucial in elucidating fundamental issues that hinge on dimensionality, such as the presence of universality in critical behavior. I am also interested in bridging the gap between network science and machine learning. I hold a BSc in applied physics and an MSc in data science and complex systems from the Warsaw University of Technology.

Sagar Kumar

PhD Student

I am a PhD Student at the Network Science Institute with a Combined BS in Physics and Philosophy. Broadly, my research interests include communication, language, and information. More specifically, the goal of my work is to leverage tools in complex systems to formalize structuralist theories of communication and culture and elucidate the emergence of meaning through language.

Georgios Panayiotou

PhD Student

Georgios is a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science at Uppsala University, Sweden, and a member of the Uppsala University Information Laboratory (InfoLab) research group. His research focuses on complex network data engineering. He is particularly interested in scalable and fairness-aware methods for managing and mining feature-rich networks, and their applications within computational social science.

Anna Poggialini

PhD Student

I'm a PhD student at Sapienza University of Rome in collaboration with the Centro Ricerche Enrico Fermi (CREF). I completed my Bachelor's degree at the University of Siena and obtained a Master's degree, with a theoretical focus on statistical mechanics, at Sapienza University of Rome. My research involves applying statistical mechanics to graph theory problems and exploring biologically inspired dynamical systems.

Sina Sajjadi

PhD Student

Hi! I’m Sina Sajjadi! A Ph.D. researcher at the Complexity Science Hub Vienna and Central European University. I’m part of the Network Inequality Lab, where I investigate bias and homophily in networks and higher-order networks. I also work on Spreading dynamics and Network Inference Models. I am interested in both the theoretical and the applied aspects of complex systems. In particular, I am interested in the mathematical modeling of social phenomena, using techniques such as network modeling, game theory, and statistical analysis.

Hanlin Sun

Post-doctoral Scholar

Hanlin is a research fellow at NORDITA, Stockholm University and KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden funded by Wallenberg Initiative on Networks and Quantum Information (WINQ). He is interested in the dynamic processes on networks and higher-order network, inference and optimization on networks, as well as the interdisplinary area between network science and neuroscience.

Julia Szamely

PhD Student

I am a PhD student at the Department of Network and Data Science at CEU, studying personal and social network characteristics associated with the susceptibility of individuals to misinformation, as well as related methodological issues. I am interested in the socioeconomic factors that give rise to susceptibility to deception and manipulation, as well as the psychological traits and beliefs associated with them. I am pursuing further research on this during my research visit at MIT.

Andreia Sofia Teixeira

Faculty (professor or researcher)

Andreia Sofia Teixeira is an Associate Professor in the Network Science Institute at Northeastern University London. Sofia’s work is in the intersection of Network Science and Machine Learning, focusing on developing measures, computational models, and simulation frameworks to better understand the structure and dynamics of complex systems in domains such as computational social sciences, computational epidemiology, network neuroscience, health, cryptoeconomics, evolutionary game theory, among others.

Paulo Ventura da Silva

Post-doctoral Scholar

I am a postdoc at Indiana University, USA. I hold a Ph.D. in Physics, obtained in 2022 from the University of São Paulo in Brazil. From 2019 to 2020, I completed a one-year internship at Zaragoza University in Spain. My current research focuses on computational epidemiology, specifically studying respiratory and vector-borne diseases through computational modeling. I use multilayer networks to describe interactions between human hosts in various population settings, such as schools, workplaces, and households. Through the AccelNet-MultiNet program, I am partnering with collaborators at Zaragoza University to develop contact matrices to assess the long-term effects of immunization against the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

Janne de Rooij

I am Janne de Rooij, am currently at the end of my Master’s Applied Mathematics at Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands. I have focussed mainly on probability theory and graph theory, and am passionate about applying these in the field of biology and healthcare. Currently I am writing my Master’s thesis at the network science institute of Northeastern University, Boston, where I will be investigating network mergers.

Oriol Artime

Post-doctoral Scholar

I am postdoctoral researcher in the Institute of Complex Systems (UBICS) and in the Department of Condensed Matter Physics of the Faculty of Physics, both at the University of Barcelona. I use tools from network theory, statistical physics and stochastic processes to better understand and characterize complex systems. In particular, during last years, my research has focused on the assessment of network robustness and resilience, and to the mathematical description of dynamics of/on networks. I am always ready for innovative and interdisciplinary projects.

Louis Boucherie

PhD Student

I am currently a PhD student at the Technical University of Denmark with my research primarily focused on the application of representation learning to social networks and human mobility. The objective of my work is to understand the rules and mechanisms that steer socio-demographic systems and dictate human behaviours. Prior to my PhD, I completed a Master's degree in Mathematics from Sorbonne Université, along with a Master's in Engineering from Ecole Centrale de Lyon.

Elena Candellone

PhD Student

I am a PhD Candidate in Network Science in the Department of Methodology and Statistics, Utrecht University (The Netherlands). My research focuses on the self-organization of groups on social networks. With an MSc degree in Physics of Complex Systems from Politecnico di Torino and Université Paris Cité, as well as a BSc degree in Physics from Università degli Studi di Torino, my interests lie in understanding opinion formation and polarization on online social media and identifying patterns in economic crime networks.

Lochan Chaudhari

I am a final year BS-MS student majoring in physics at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research in Tirupati, which is an institute of national importance in India. My research interest lies in applying the knowledge and techniques derived from network science (complex networks) and statistical physics to explore the complexities of biological systems, with a particular emphasis on neuronal systems. I have previously worked on the dynamics of coupled neurons, their networks, and their interactions with Astrocytes. I seek to further expand the knowledge and explore the implications of multi-layer networks-based research in neuroscience and related disciplines.

Gabriele Di Bona

PhD Student

I am a finishing PhD student at the Queen Mary University of London, transitioning to a post-doc between Paris (GEMASS-CNRS) and Rome (Sony CSL-CREF). My research mainly revolves around investigating the drivers of innovation, utilizing a combination of data analysis and mathematical modelling techniques. I am particularly interested in science of science, studying the intricate dynamics and patterns that contribute to long-term success. In my post-doc I will focus on the impact of AI in the evolution of science and technological innovation in the recent years. I am also organizer of NetPLACE, a community for young researchers with biweekly online seminars, discussing about problems in academia. Finally, I am part of the advisory board of the yrCSS, the young researchers of the Complex Systems Society.

Irene Ferri

PhD Student

I am a third-year Ph.D. candidate at the University of Barcelona's Institute of Complex Systems (Department of Condensed Matter Physics). I hold a degree in Physics from the University of Barcelona and a Master's degree in Computational Modeling from a joint program with the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Currently my research is centered on opinion modeling on complex networks. My work explores the dynamics of belief evolution within interconnected systems, aiming to understand the collective processes that emerge from individual interactions. I have recently started a three-month research stay at the University of Binghamton (NY) where I'm developing a project focused on multilayer networks.

Haily Merritt

PhD Student

I am a dual PhD student in the Department of Informatics (Complex Networks & Systems) and the Program in Cognitive Science at Indiana University, where I was formerly an NSF-NRT Fellow. My research combines tools from complex systems science with perspectives from theoretical biology to understand the influence of sociality on brains. Using graph theoretic approaches (including multilayer networks), I study how human brain networks vary in accordance with different social environments. Additionally, I use evolutionary, adaptive, dynamical models of minimal brains to understand the origins of sociality. While my research spans many disciplines, the uniting theme is the importance of quality social relationships. Before my PhD, I managed a social neuroecology lab at Cornell University.

Jaume Ojer

PhD Student

I am a PhD student in the Department of Physics at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain. I hold a BSc degree in fundamental physics from the University of Barcelona, and a MSc degree in nonlinear dynamics and complex systems from the Rey Juan Carlos University. My research is mainly based on the characterization of collective behavior, in which individuals among a population socially interact between them to reach a global consensus. Multiple contexts in that field can be explored from a physical point of view, ranging from collective motion of animals to opinion dynamics and the presence of opinion polarization. I am particularly interested in the use of statistical physics and network theory, as well as computational modeling and machine learning algorithms.

Bendeguz Sulyok

PhD Student

I am a PhD student in tbe Biophysics Department of Eötvös Lóránd University in Budapest, Hungary. My research is centered around network geometry with emphasis on hyperbolic spaces. I am looking to introduce the concept of the beautiful and feature-rich hyperbolic geometry to all areas of network research. At the same time I am involved with medical machine learning and digital pathology projects.

Jasper Van der Kolk

PhD Student

I am currently a PhD student at the University of Barcelona Institute of Complex Systems (UBICS). My research is focused on Network Geometry, the idea that network topologies arise because their nodes live in some hidden metric space. I am especially interested in the transition between geometric and non-geometric networks, whose topologies are completely determined by the degrees of their nodes. Apart from this, I have investigated dynamical processes on networks, where the underlying metric space can lead to exciting new insights. I hold a BSc in physics from the Radboud University and a MSc in mathematical and theoretical physics from the Ludwig Maximilians University and the Technical University Munich.

Vander Freitas

Faculty (professor or researcher)

I am an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computing of the Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP), where I teach Complex Networks, Numerical Calculus, and Web Programming. I have a B.Sc in Computer Science (UNESP, Brazil) and a Ph.D. in Applied Computing (INPE, Brazil). My interest areas are dynamical systems and computer science subjects, including, but not restricted to, collective motion, complex networks, and nonlinear dynamics. More recently, due to the pandemic, I started to work on projects involving mobility networks and COVID-19 data.

Adriana Manna

PhD Student

I am a PhD candidate at the Department of Network and Data Science, at Central European University. Leveraging network science, mathematical modelling and simulation techniques, I aim to investigate the mechanisms governing the evolution over time and across settings of socio-demographic processes and human behaviours. I am particularly interested in data-driven, dynamic models for the spread of infectious diseases. My current research focuses on the investigation of the interplay between social inequalities, human contact patterns and the spread of an epidemic process. I hold an MSc in Economic and Social Sciences and a BSc in Economics from Bocconi University.

Alfonso de Miguel

PhD Student

I am a Ph.D. student at BIFI Institute, University of Zaragoza, Spain. I have a degree in Physics and a master’s degree in Physics of Complex Systems. Right now, my research focuses on the study of both theoretical aspects and applications of general epidemic spreading modeling. On the theoretical side, I am used to working with epidemiological models, stochastic processes, network theory, Monte Carlo simulations, and metapopulation systems, whereas on the practical side we try to approach problems from a data-driven perspective (informed contact matrices, mobility data, and so on). Apart from that, my research interests are broad within the complex system science realm and span from socio-technical to economic and urban systems, to name a few. I am in particular very interested in the study of economic phenomena being approached as both complex adaptive systems and biophysical systems and linking this to (un)sustainability issues for the human sphere.

Ludovico Napoli

PhD Student

I am a PhD candidate at the Department of Network and Data Science at Central European University in Vienna. I did a Bachelor's in Physics at the University of Pisa and a Master's in Physics of Complex Systems at the Politecnico di Torino and other institutions in Trieste and Paris. After graduating, I spent one year as a Junior Researcher at the ISI Foundation in Torino, as part of the Lagrange Project on Data Science and Social Impact, studying the determinants of the gender gap in urban cycling. In 2019 I enrolled in the PhD and started working on my thesis on socioeconomic patterns in mobility and social networks. In particular, my research focuses on a data-driven analysis of the dynamics of segregation in human interactions and of socioeconomic inequalities in human mobility models. In 2022 I worked for seven months as a Data Science Research Fellow at UN Global Pulse, contributing to a project on forecasting population movements at the border in humanitarian crises.

Felipe Vaca

PhD Student

I’m a PhD student at the Department of Network and Data Science at Central European University. I am interested in the foundations of network science, statistics, and data analysis. My current research focuses on the large-scale studies of a kind of models of network structure, namely Stochastic Block Models (SBMs), in realistic settings. In particular, we try to understand the qualities and shortcomings of the SBMs in absolute terms, by assessing the capacity of these models in capturing relevant aspects of empirical networks.

Larry Zhang

PhD Student

I am a Dual PhD student in the Departments of Informatics and Intelligent Systems Engineering. My research focuses on understanding brain, physiology, and behavior to develop personalized understanding of humans. This is done through modeling coordination dynamics on different scales, from within-individual process to pairwise/dyadic interactions and network interactions. This research supports applications such as the modeling of neuropsychiatric ailments or through the development of wearables, interfaces, and interventions to improve mental wellbeing. Previously I was an NSF-NRT Fellow at Indiana University. I hold a BS in Electrical Engineering from UC San Diego.

Alberto Aleta

Post-doctoral Scholar

I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at ISI Foundation in Turin, Italy. My research interests lie in the broad area of complex systems, network science, and data science. In particular, I love all the aspects that have to do with data, from obtention to visualization. As such, it is hard for me to focus on one single field. Nevertheless, I would say that because of my physics background, I am particularly interested in unraveling the mechanisms that lead to the data. That is, rather than simply focusing on finding correlations and making uninformed predictions, my aim is to understand the dynamical process that leads to it. I have collaborated in projects of very diverse disciplines from epidemiology to online videogames, but during the current pandemic my work has mostly focused on studying the spreading of COVID-19. In the context of multilayer networks, my work has centered on disentangling the effect of different human interactions on the spreading of infectious diseases, as well as leveraging the information encoded in these networks for link prediction problems. Besides, I am currently trying to incorporate complex systems techniques in general – and multilayer networks in particular – in the context of nutrition and sustainability research.

Abdullah Alrhmoun

PhD Student

I’m a PhD candidate in network science at the Department of Network and Data Science at Central European University in Vienna and hold a master’s degree in biomedical engineering. I’m primarily interested in the real-world use of data analytics, including understanding complex systems through big data, text mining of extremist content, and developing tools to detect fake imagery. Currently, I’m researching and testing social and political bots and how they interact with humans as part of an ecosystem. I use multiplex networks to represent the complex system of humans and bots, and I research how this representation facilitates misinformation diffusion. I’m also exploring computational propaganda, disinformation, and online extremism. Publications - Decoding hate: using experimental text analysis to classify terrorist content. - Mapping The Extremist Narrative Landscape In Afghanistan

Changqing Cheng

Faculty (professor or researcher)

My research focus is on data-driven modeling, control and optimal design of complex dynamical systems, particularly the dynamic networks. The recent leap forward in sensing and communication has generated the big data, and data analytics provides an unprecedented opportunity to transform the way we monitor and control a variety of complex systems. I have investigated on multiplex network representation of sensing data in process monitoring of such complex systems. I am also interested in the surrogate modeling and optimal design for multi-layer networked systems (e.g., power grid and communication systems) to enhance the resilience against large-scale perturbations.

Guilherme Ferraz de Arruda

Post-doctoral Scholar

The researcher has been working in nonlinear dynamics and stochastic processes on top of complex networks and higher-order structures. More specifically, on epidemic/rumor spreading and social contagion processes in single and multilayer networks and hypergraphs. He has focused on the theoretical and numerical methods developed for this study, formally defining the dynamical process and then validating and extending the theoretical results using numerical experiments and Monte Carlo simulations. Throughout the researcher's past works, spreading processes (disease, rumor, and social contagion models) were distinguished according to the temporal assumptions and its inherent mathematical assumptions, i.e., by distinguishing continuous-time and the discrete-time cellular automata approaches. Each formalism was studied using the appropriate tools, including the heterogeneous mean-field, the quenched-mean field, and the pair quenched mean-field approaches, for the continuous-time and discrete-time Markov chains for the cellular automata-like processes. Among other interests and using these formalisms, the researcher was concerned about the impact of heterogeneity in the dynamical parameters, which is essential for more realistic models. Despite dynamics, he has also worked with the structural characterization of single and multilayer networks, mainly through spectral theory.

Lluc Font-Pomarol

PhD Student

I was born in Barcelona in 1994. In 2017 I obtained a degree in Physics at the Universitat de Barcelona. In 2018 I obtained a master's degree in Modelling for Science and Engineering at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. During my master's thesis I worked on modelling railway networks under the supervision of Prof. Albert Díaz-Guilera and Dr. Luce Prignano. In March 2019 I moved to Tarragona to start my PhD thesis at SeesLab under the supervision of Marta Sales-Pardo and Roger Guimerà. Since then, I worked on judicial decisions, studying, from a network science perspective, how they interrelate through citations to case law and to law, among others, connections that can be seen as the most elementary mechanisms underlying the process of legal reasoning and the judiciary process.

Arsham Ghavasieh

PhD Student

I'm mostly interested in understanding the complex systems from the perspective of theoretical physics. I use equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical mechanics to investigate the macroscopic properties of highly interconnected systems, aiming to provide a framework to explain the emergent phenomena. Remarkably, many complex systems exhibit multilayer structures, often represented as multilayer networks. That's why I think multilayer networks play an important role in complex phenomena.

Pegah Hozhabrierdi

PhD Student

I am a philomath who aspires to be a polymath one day. Thanks to the wide range of topics that had kept my interest over the years, from philosophy and psychology to science and engineering, I have found the research in the interdisciplinary fields of science to be the most fulfilling. Currently, working on my Ph.D. thesis, I use the theoretical knowledge in network science to study social behavior patterns that emerge from empirical observations. Real-world multilayer social networks, virtual such as Twitter or physical such as human contact networks, are my main source of obtaining such observations. Using a range of analytical tools, from big data analysis to machine learning, I detect network dynamics that impact the formation and diffusion of beliefs and echo chambers. Furthermore, I study the degree to which the resilience of the network depends on these dynamics. Driven by my interdisciplinary experience with multilayer networks, I also aim at bridging the existing gap between theoretical science of multilayer networks (mainly from physics and computational biology) and empirical studies that involve graph machine learning algorithms (mainly in the field of computer science).

Márton Karsai

Faculty (professor or researcher)

Márton Karsai, PhD, Habil., Associate professor in the Department of Network and Data Science at the Central European University. He is a physicist trained network scientist with research interest in human dynamics, computational social science, and data science, especially focusing on systems with heterogeneous dynamics, spatial and temporal networks, socioeconomic systems and social and biological contagion phenomena.

Alessandra Urbinati

PhD Student

Alessandra Urbinati obtained her Bachelor Degree in Mathematical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano and his Master Degree in Stochastics and Data Science at the University of Torino. Her research interests include complex networks, machine learning, and data analytics. In particular, she is interested in analyzing the unfolding over time of complex phenomenon characterized by many aspects which interact in non-linear ways, which can be modeled by means of multilayer network. Among these phenomena, she has worked on human migration and opinion dynamics.

Sara Venturini

PhD Student

Sara Venturini is interested in the fields of Operational Research and Optimization. She is currently working on the computational analysis of complex networks and their applications to the real world. She is interested also to study more complex structures like multilayer networks, to take into account different type of information, simplicial complexes and hypergraphs, because pairwise interactions can not be enough to represent some situations. She studies both the fundamental nature of networked systems as well as the applications of these principles to real systems. Her research is motivated by a desire to contribute to the growing community dedicated to understanding networks by discovering their properties and applying them on real world systems.


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